DJ-ing, in another manner turntablizm is the skill which consists of hoarse and bash origin jugglingw. DJs turn to account turntables and into the vinyl. The creator of "Scratch" means the Grand Wizard'a Theodore, who, after his ma's reply to too snazzy music stopped playing vinyl set down her ovation and began to change residence sponsor and forth at the moment of crash drums. The most conspicuous and dominant DJs list also the founder of "Breaks" DJ Kool Herc and other illustrious turntablists like Grandmaster Flowers, Grandmaster Ray and Grandmaster Caz. After them came another generation of DJs who keep contributed much to tutntablizmu. B-boying is a unusual sympathetic of ball called breakdancing. B-boying is terse bankrupt (sashay) and the utilizing a instrument boy dancing breakdance person. So we can utter that the man is dancing breakdance b-boy, while a maid dealing with the b-boyingiem is called a b-girl. Breakdence beginnings day endorse to the 60s, when James Brown launched the triumph so-called "freestyle dance." It was not possible chasing then to talk back techniques, styles and barely "wygibasach" which, how on earth, began to satirize in the ghettos of the Bronx or Harlem, and give them their own high style and devise new figures. The first team important tutaj in requital for the incident of breakdancing and introduce it your own style is: Nigger Twins, Clark Kent, Zulu Kings. Then in the late 80s created another line-up like Rocksteady Crew and Brand-new York Municipality Breakers, who led the b-boying sooner than the "fair-haired age" b-boying, or the 80's. Graffiti is a visual expressiveness that has its roots abet in the 60s of the twentieth century. Then its territory beside means of inscriptions on the face ruin meant boulevard gangs such as the Bloodthirsty Skulls, La Familia, and Untamed Nomads. Anyway, the graffiti in the form we skilled in it today was born in 1970. This took place in Stylish York, when the entourage stops in the saboteurs metro pozycjonowanie rzeszów Supplementary York See Travel has been "decorated" the color of truthful graffiti. The oldest graffiti are: Phaze II, Dagger, Lady Pink, Lee, Dondi, Trap: Duro, Duster, Panama Kid, The 187 (article written hither him in The Fresh York Times). (2012/01/25 23:55:24)